Roelof Hartstraat 74 Amsterdam
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  • Food & Drinks

    With spring on it’s way, you can expect more colors, smells, flavors and rituals in Room of Ideas, to activate your senses & stimulate a creative flow.

    Book  Room of Ideas in spring?

    Your team will be offered a 15 min. CHECK-IN ritual – guided by founder Francis Pool – to start your day with more aligned clarity, connection and focus.


    Ready to book your day?

    Book your day at Room of Ideas!

  • IKEBANA - A meditative flower ritual

    Ikebana is a meditative flower ritual that is bases on Zen Buddhist principles, inviting you to allowing you to make a deeper connection with NATURE, through our senses of smell, sight and touch.

    We are very excited to celebrate this new collaboration with SEN, founded by certified artist and teacher Zizi.


    Interested in Ikebana and how this experience will enrich your team spirit?


    We are delighted to send you all the details.

    Get in touch with our team!

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